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Festival of Place: Climate Resilience 2024

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM GMT
Online, via Airmeet
Glasgow's city centre project The Avenues combines sustainable transport with biodiversity and flood resilience. Photo: Murdo MacLeod
Glasgow's city centre project The Avenues combines sustainable transport with biodiversity and flood resilience. Photo: Murdo MacLeod


Festival of Place: Climate Resilience 

25-26 November, 2024



Update your thinking and learn from new research and pilot schemes. Find out how to transform, design and develop places that are ready for uncertain and unpredictable weather events and policy changes, such as the phasing out of fossil fuels.


Delivered live with Q&A over two lunchtime sessions, everything is recorded and available on demand. Join our community to learn about the latest pilot schemes and research findings and fulfil your CPD requirements. 


In multiple sessions delivered over long lunches, we will focus on rainwater attenuation and flood resilience, retrofitting for the future, designing for a warming UK and urban social resilience. The event will be sharing fresh research and case studies on topics from overheating to land use to update your learning and support your strategic planning.


This event will help you: 

  • Evaluate the case for retrofit. You’ll learn about how energy suppliers are disrupting the market with initiatives such as Octopus Energy’s Zero Bills homes and find out what researchers have learned from studying the building performance of decade-old retrofit housing projects

  • Deliver flood resilience alongside biodiversity and transport improvements. You’ll learn from case studies, including Glasgow’s The Avenues, how to adopt a win-win strategy and deliver on targets for health, air quality, biodiversity, water quality, green space and pedestrian/cycling improvements on complex urban sites  

  • Future proof and de-risk your places: Fresh thinking on how to create resilient places and make a positive environmental and social impact in the context of climate change. Understand the risks to thriving places and gather solutions and inspiration to fuel better strategic decision-making.

  • Gain valuable CPD hours: The sessions will count towards formal or informal CPD hours and meet criteria that requires content on the topics of climate, sustainability, resilience, and environmental and biodiversity net gain; flooding; sustainable architecture; places, planning and communities, and more, depending on your accreditation.

Tickets on sale now, members go free: Organisation membership is available with unlimited access for your organisation to Climate Resilience and tickets to all festival events, enquire with or call 020 3326 7238


Supported by Civic Engineers, who will be presenting their resilience work on The Avenues in Glasgow. Just one sponsorship opportunity left! Get in touch with if you’re interested in taking part.



2024 Agenda


Streamed live online over two long lunches. All sessions recorded and available on demand in the Festival of Place talks library. Event runs Monday and Tuesday from 11am-2pm.


Dynamic and static charging: UK case studies on decarbonising traffic from Nottingham and Coventry

Speakers: Kevin Vincent, Director of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Automotive Research and the National Transport Design Centre at Coventry University and Stuart Birrell, Professor of Human Factors for Future Transport within the National Transport Design Centre at Coventry University

What does the phasing out of fossil fuels for vehicles between 2035-2045 mean for the design and development of vehicle charging in UK places? Learn about the findings of two pilot studies in Nottingham and Coventry examining solutions for a decarbonised future.
Decarbonisation, retrofit and zero bills homes

Speaker: Emma Fletcher, Low Carbon Homes Director, Octopus Energy

We will be talking about their ability to accredit homes with Zero Bills for developers, housing associations and local authorities. In this session, you’ll learn how Octopus is disrupting the market and aiming to remove electricity bills for all.
Retrofit Revisit

Speakers: Marion Baeli, co-author of Retrofit Revisit and Principal – Sustainability Transformation at 10 Design and Julie Godefroy, Head of Net Zero Policy at CIBSE

10 years since their retrofit, an investigation into 10 housing projects has revealed how retrofitted housing outperforms non-retrofitted stock including greater occupant comfort and reduced energy bills. In this talk, Marion Baeli, co-author of Retrofit Revisit and Principal – Sustainability Transformation at 10 Design, you will learn about the insights gained from a decade of building performance evaluation of retrofitted homes and areas needing further research to support the nationwide rollout of retrofit.
Living in a 3 degree neighbourhood

Speaker: Imandeep Kaur, co-founder and director, Civic Square

The 3 degree neighbourhood is a new piece of research co-authored by Civic Square and Dark Matter Labs on the risks UK urban neighbourhoods face due to climate and ecological breakdown under a high emissions scenario. In this talk, Imandeep Kaur, co-founder and director of Civic Square will discuss how to reimagine and “re-infrastructure” neighbourhoods to rebuild the social and organisational networks for a more unpredictable world.
Delivering flood resilience through planning

Speaker: Celia Davis, senior projects and policy manager, Town & Country Planning Association

Is the planning system consistent in securing climate adaptation measures on new-build residential sites? Celia David, senior projects and policy manager at the TCPA presents new research seeking to understand the treatment of flood risk in the development process with a focus on processes that occur after full or outline planning consent is granted and the processes through which flood risk mitigations are agreed, including sustainable urban drainage, property flood resilience and emergency evacuation plans.
Saving for a rainy day: Hardworking horticulture and transformative rain gardens

Speakers: Isla Jackson, Director, Civic Engineers; Prof. Vernon Phoenix, Professor of Environmental Engineering Science, University of Strathclyde

Explore opportunities and hardworking potential of rain gardens to solve multiple challenges and their ability to create liveable, walkable and healthier neighbourhoods with greater biodiversity. Taking cues from pioneering research into sustainable drainage performance at Glasgow’s Avenues project, the discussion will reveal innovative thinking about how raingardens sit within a wider infrastructure puzzle and bust some myths around their maintenance.






Thanks to our members, we are able to keep Festival of Place events accessible to everyone. If you are a charity, student, community group, or for any other reason need a free or discounted ticket - we have a limited number available - apply here.

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Featured Speakers

Imandeep Kaur

Imandeep Kaur

Co-Founder and Director
Civic Square
Marion Baeli

Marion Baeli

10 Design
co-author of Retrofit Revisit and Principal – Sustainability Transformation
Emma Fletcher

Emma Fletcher

Low Carbon Housing Director
Octopus Energy
Isla Jackson

Isla Jackson

Civic Engineers
Christine Murray

Christine Murray

Editor-in-Chief and Director
The Developer
Julie Godefroy

Julie Godefroy

Head of Net Zero Policy
Kevin Vincent

Kevin Vincent

Coventry University
Director of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Automotive Research and the National Transport Design Centre
Prof. Vernon Prof. Vernon

Prof. Vernon Prof. Vernon

University of Strathclyde
Head Of Department, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stuart Birrell

Stuart Birrell

Professor of Human Factors for Future Transport within the National Transport Design Centre
Coventry University

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